Down/Fallen Tree(s) Blocking CWE Road
Trees Blocking Roads
Certain vegetation such as scrub pines and Leyland cypress trees are very susceptible to bending and/or breaking under heavy snow or ice. If a Home Owner has such vegetation on their Lot and it blocks or impacts the roadways during a snow, ice, OR other weather-related storm event, the Home Owner shall remove the blockage immediately so the road continues to be passable.
If the Home Owner is not home during the storm occurrence, and the tree(s) are removed by the Association, it is the Owner’s responsibility to remove any debris left as soon as possible following the event. The Association is not liable for removing trees on Lots to allow the road to be passable for all residents.
The Home Owner is responsible for the payment of the expenses incurred related to removing tree and other debris from the blocked road and if the Lot Owner fails to reimburse the Association for such expenses, the Association is authorized to levy against that Home Owner.
The Home Owner is responsible/liable for the payment of all expenses incurred related to the tree(s) falling on other buildings and/or cars or for any road damage done by the fallen tree.