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Winter Road Preparedness

The Winter Road Preparedness Committee is engaged and ready to provide updates when we have inclement weather.  The snow emergency roads policy was sent out to all homeowners.


Go to TAB - SERVICES --> SNOW REMOVAL for policy.







Typical November Tasks:


1)  Sewer lines have been checked to ensure they are free of tree roots.


2)  Leaf blowing by neighbors.


3)  Tree trimming back from the road by neighbors.


4) Salt boxes have been put out on spots by the road that get slick with water that freezes over.



person blowing leaves.jpg


Typical October Tasks:


1)  Bolton came to remove the roots from the sewer pipes that had been identified as being clogged.  

2) Blowing leaves from drain pipes.

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Typical September Tasks:


1  Weed trimming along roads and banks.  

2) Tree trimming along roads.

3) Asphalt top on hole on Cedar Summit.

4) Blowing leaves from drain pipes.

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Typical August Tasks:


1  Weed trimming along roads and banks.  

2) Poison Ivy spraying.  There is quite a bit of poison ivy growing on the ground this year.  The roads committee sprays what they can reach, however, some of you still have it on your banks.  Here is a picture of what it looks like as a young plant.

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